Our Future Begins with Home

Take Action for Affordable Housing Month

It’s time to think big and imagine a bold future where everyone in the Bay Area has a safe place to call home.

When you sign the petition, you’ll receive a sticker you can use to show your support, so we can make our demands visible everywhere. You’ll also be joining a movement of neighbors and advocates led by grassroots organizations working to build more affordable housing, keep renters in their homes, and stop homelessness before it happens.

Celebrate Affordable Housing Month 2024 with Us

This year, in addition to Affordable Housing Month events, cultural organizations across the Bay Area — including libraries, sports teams, and movie theaters — are joining with advocates to engage our communities in a powerful story of a new future for the Bay Area: Our future begins with us, and a thriving Bay Area begins with home.

Join us at an Oakland Roots game! 

The Oakland Roots Soccer Club is marking Affordable Housing Month at their home game on May 18! Join us and get your tickets here.

Visit your local library! 

Local libraries are celebrating Affordable Housing Month with us! Stop by your local Bay Area branch to learn about resources, check out a housing-related book, and pick up a themed bookmark while supplies last! Looking for housing justice book recommendations? Take a look at the book shortlist.