When we join together — no matter what we look like, how much we earn, or where we sleep at night — we can build a new future for the Bay Area.
In our Bay Area, we believe that everyone should have a safe place to call home.
But not enough of us are raising our voices. Which means other people are filling the silence — and blocking progress.
Something needs to change — and it’s up to us. This Affordable Housing Month, we’re taking action to show that neighbors from every corner of the Bay Area are ready to fight for a better and more affordable future where no one is left behind.
When you sign the petition, you’ll receive a sticker you can use to show your support, so we can make our demands visible everywhere. You’ll also be joining a movement of neighbors and advocates led by grassroots organizations working to build more affordable housing, keep renters in their homes, and stop homelessness before it happens.
Together, we can build a Bay Area where everyone can thrive. Our future, our Bay Area, begins with home.